Change a girl's life!
PERIPA WEAR, in alliance with the non-profit associations OPC and MXDC, created the campaign "bleeding together", your donation goes to the menstrual supplies bank in Mexico, giving access to a decent menstruation to many girls who stop studying due to lack of menstrual management products

It is the percentage of women in Mexico who are affected by the economic inability to buy menstrual hygiene products.
Statistics from the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval)
"More than 40% of Mexican women of menstruating age have to choose between eating or acquiring an item to access a dignified menstruation."
We believe in thousands of girls and women with incredible potential, our mission is to contribute so that nothing stops them.
Thanks to our alliances with non-profit organizations such as the OPC, we reach spaces such as the DIF where we contribute our grain of sand for dignified and responsible menstruation in our country.
We believe in change and at PERIPA we are convinced that having a good relationship with our menstruation is POSSIBLE.
The world doesn't stop, neither do we.
inputs bank
OPC in Nigeria, in the #Rescueagirl project in which menstrual education and workshops to make reusable cloth towels were provided.
menstrual education
At OPC, donations of menstrual supplies are not only made to needy or vulnerable people, but a long-term change is sought in which, by providing menstrual education, tools are given to thousands of girls to live a dignified and safe menstruation.

27 million
are women in Mexico have some social deprivation that represents an obstacle to be able to enjoy an adequate management of menstrual hygiene